Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why I love my adopted home-tahn of Pittsburgh

After snapping my second replacement axle, I decided that if I wanted to get the bike fixed anytime soon, I should have somebody else do it. Fifty eight bucks later, my bike works again. So today marks the somewhat official start of my Wasatch training because I rode the bike in to work. I have not done anything (besides lift weights) since the Laurel race a week and a half ago.

On a sidenote, it is amazing how much easier the cycling seems to go when you are riding on clean, efficiently moving parts. The difference is like night and day. I think I will get a used book on amazon dot com about bike maintenance.

On the way to work, several interesting things happened that reminded me why I do love the Burgh. Some guy in a pickup truck slowed down to tell me to keep my eyes open for the fox up on top of the hill. I was very close to South Park at the time and fox sightings in the park are not uncommon. This guy was obviously very excited and wanted to tell the first person he could about this fox.

I didn't see the fox, but did see two young bucks crossing the road once I was inside the park. Don't know anything about deer terminology, but these two were just starting to sprout some antlers.

There were a lot of people in the park this morning, most of them walking. One lady was wearing a t-shirt that was very blunt and to the point: "If you're not a Steelers fan, you're a jagoff." Nothing subtle about that, but it was a very amusing shirt.

Finally, I guess at heart I am still seven years old because when I ride my bike to work, the best part of my day is flying down the big hill right before I turn in to my office. That feeling of zooming recklessly down a long, steep hill never gets old.

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