Sunday, December 25, 2011


This movie is great. While there is a lot of good footage of the race itself, my take is that the movie focuses a little more on the lives and personalities of G.R., K.J., A.K., and H.K. Specifically what drives them to want to compete at such a high level. The takeaway for me is that they all love to run just to push themselves, and the fact that a race exists to test themselves is nice but not essential to the process.


Two specific parts stand out about the movie, the first was the day before the race, David Horton tells Geoff that although Anton and Killian may be more naturally talented runners, Geoff has the edge in mental toughness and was therefore his pick to win. If there is a higher compliment that can be paid to an ultrarunner from a more highly respected source, I'm not aware of it.

The second was at the beginning of the race, the lead pack takes off and Killian just sprints up the mountain effortlessly, all the way to the Escarpment. When he got to the top he stopped and turned around to see where everybody else was, like he was surprised that the pace was so slow. He almost appeared to be a little bummed that he and the rest of the lead pack did not charge to the top of the mountain together. After seeing how this dude trains and moves through the mountains, it is kind of surprising that he did not break the W$ record in 2011.

Excellent movie, highly recommend.

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